Get Connected
Plug into church life here, whether you’re looking to cross a spiritual or life milestone, be connected to a community, or just find some counselling help through a tough season.

In a disciplemaking church, we want to come alongside members to counsel and to bring about restoration in relationships for those who grapple with pains in their discipleship journey. Through a redemptive journey, we desire that everyone to experience the abundance found only in Christ.
Our ministry includes equipping Covenanters with people-helping skills, providing resources to specialized support groups such as Covenant CancerCare, referrals to professional help, and short-term intervention (approx. 5 sessions) to those who need help with deeper issues in life.
If you are a Covenant EFC member or in a Covenant Group, and need counselling, please sign up here. Our staff will get back to you.
If you would like to find out more about CancerCare, please email
Water baptism is a significant part of the Christian life. It is a public declaration of your union with Jesus Christ and identifies you with his Death and Resurrection, thus signaling your new identity in Him. At Covenant EFC, we want to prepare you for this serious step in following Christ. We hold baptism preparation classes which will help you understand more about baptism and our baptism application process.
If you are ready to be baptised, sign up here. To find out more details about baptism, click here.
If you are between 13 to 18 years old and would like to be baptised, click here to find out about our TNG (The Next Generation) baptism class.

We are delighted you want to make Covenant EFC your home church! As a member of this spiritual family :
- It identifies you as a genuine believer (Eph 2:19; Rom 12:5)
- It provides a spiritual family to support and encourage you in your walk with Christ (Gal 6:1-2; Heb 10:24-25)
- It gives you a place to discover and use your spiritual gifts in ministry (1 Cor 12:3-27)
- It places you under the spiritual protection of godly leaders (Heb 13:17; Acts 20:28-29)
- It gives you the accountability you need to grow (Eph 5:21)
Click here to sign up for membership class today.
For more information and prerequisites on Covenant EFC membership, please click here.
Congratulations! You are about to embark on one of life’s most exciting journeys. And like all journeys, we want to be prepared to weather all storms with God as your anchor. As your spiritual family, we are here for you.
To have your marriage solemnised in Covenant EFC, please begin the process early (we recommend at least 18 months) to give time to journey through the 1-day Discovery Weekend (DWE), 9-session Marriage Preparation Course (MPC), 6-session TNG Preschool Attachment, and Church Membership (which of course includes being in a Covenant Group) as pre-requisites (baptism and church membership can be concurrent and need not be sequential, do email in for clarification if needed).
Conducted in small, cosy groups, typically 1 mentor-couple to 2 MPC couples, this 9-week journey aims to cement the foundation for an enriching life together according to God’s biblical blueprint. Once 2 couples in the same centre and a mentor-couple are available, the group can start. Dates and timing of meetings will depend on the small group assigned.
Discovery Weekend (DWE)
Through this full-day workshop, courting couples will discover how to build a strong foundation to grow your relationship in the Lord based on biblical principles and God-honouring interactions. Topics are Biblical foundations, Courting Principles, Communications and Conflict Management and Understanding Love Bank.
Opening of registration will be announced here. Email for enquiries.
Marriage Preparation Course (MPC)
Conducted in small, cosy groups, typically 1 mentor-couple to 2 MPC couples, this 9-week journey aims to cement the foundation for an enriching life together according to God’s biblical blueprint. Dates and timing of meetings will depend on the small group assigned.
Click here to register using your Voyager username and password. For enquiries, email
Wedding Application
If you’re planning to get married in Covenant EFC, after you have completed DWE and MPC, have a few possible dates in mind and email We will then provide a soft copy of guidelines and policy details.

As an intentional disciplemaking church, Covenant EFC believes that everyone who is a disciple of Christ is also called to make disciples of Christ. Our small groups, called Covenant Groups (CGs), are the essential base for disciplemaking, where much of the discipleship and disciplemaking takes place.
Our CGs are covenantal communities, comprising followers of Jesus, who embrace their identities as both authentic disciples and intentional disciplemakers. By this, we purpose to follow Jesus, and to help others to follow Jesus. As spiritual communities, then, we covenant together to grow in spiritual maturity, and to practice spiritual multiplication of our lives in the lives of others. The CG community is therefore every member’s primary circle of spiritual family, pastoral care, fellowship and ministry to one another.
What are our CGs like? We have groups who are journeying together through the same life stage, as well as those more inter-generational in composition. CGs typically meet weekly in mutual commitment and accountability. The pastoral care of the CG is shepherded by a Zone Mentor, and zones are grouped under the spiritual covering of a District Mentor.
If you are new to us and would find out more about joining a CG, click here.