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Disciple Singapore: Blessing Our Foreign Guests

We see here that God gives a clear instruction to His people: A. DO NOT MISTREAT STRANGERS B. ⁠TREAT THEM AS FAMILY   C. LOVE THEM AS YOU WOULD LOVE YOURSELF   Loving God and loving people are mandates that God has given His Church. God has presented His Church with an opportunity to do […]

Caring for the Needy and the Cross of Christ

Introduction A. CARING FOR THE NEEDY (Isa 58) 1. Reflects the character of God 2. ⁠Beware seeking a formula instead of the Father B. THE CROSS OF CHRIST (Isa 53) 1. ⁠Inspires us 2. ⁠From beauty, not duty Conclusion Next Week’s Topic: Disciple Singapore: Blessing Our Foreign Guest Next Week’s Speakers: Ernest Lim (BPJ), Rev […]

Disciple Singapore: Reaching Our Neighbours

IntroductionThe most quoted verse in the New Testament from the Old Testament A. HOW TO LOVE MY NEIGHBOUR? (Lev 19:9–18) The practical realities of holiness   B. WHO IS MY NEIGHBOUR? (Lk 10:25–37) The personal responsibilities of holiness   Conclusion   Next Week’s Topic: Disciple Singapore — Loving the Community (New Life Friends’ Day)Next Week’s […]

Pray for the Land: Disciple Singapore

Introduction 1. Public worship and instructions 2. The need of prayer — two groups of people to pray for: A. PRAY FOR ALL RULERS (v.2) B. PRAY FOR THE SALVATION OF ALL PEOPLE (v.4) Conclusion Next Week’s Topic: Disciple Singapore: Reaching Our NeighboursNext Week’s Speakers: Ps Lee Da-Win (BPJ), Rev Dr Chua Chung Kai (WDL) […]

Idolatry in Our Modern World

Introduction A. WE ARE PRONE TO IDOLATRY (Lev 17:3-5; 18:21; 20:2) B. WE PURSUE WHAT WE REALLY LOVE (Lev 19:4) C. WE ARE REDEEMED FOR THE ONE KING (Exo 20:2-6; Psa 115:4-8) Conclusion Next Week’s Topic: Disciple Singapore: Praying for the LandNext Week’s Speakers: Rev Edmund Wong (BPJ), Rev Tan Kay Kiong (WDL) & Rev […]

The God of Everyday Holiness

Introduction  We live holy lives when we: A. WORSHIP OUR JEALOUS GOD (Lev 17)    B. FOLLOW OUR WONDERFUL CREATOR (Lev 18)   C. IMITATE OUR LOVING KING (Lev 19)   D. FEAR OUR RIGHTEOUS JUDGE (Lev 20)   Conclusion Next Week’s Topic: Idolatry in Our Modern WorldNext Week’s Speakers: Ps Dr Stacey Tay (BPJ), […]

The Prodigal’s Father

Introduction The well-known parable of Jesus known as the Parable of the Prodigal Son was the answer of Jesus to the murmurings of the Pharisees and teachers of the law that He was welcoming sinners and ate with them (Lk 15:2). We often focus most on the second son. Some focus on the elder brother. […]

Being Clean

Introduction  1. Recap of Leviticus 11–15 2. From Acts 10, there are two essential convictions of being clean: A. NO ONE IS EXCLUDED FROM GOD’S CLEANSING “So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.”  – Acts […]


Introduction  1. The Dunning-Kruger Effect 2. Three Key Considerations for Spiritual Leadership Today! (Lev 8–10) KEY CONSIDERATION 1Everything we DO means nothing — until we consecrate ourselves to God! (Lev 8) The Story of Two Rams Total Consecration: The ear to hear God’s Word! The hand to do God’s will! The feet to walk God’s […]


Introduction  The problem statement of Leviticus A. ​ONE FOR ALL B. ONCE FOR ALL ConclusionThanksgiving and Worship — Our All for One Next Week’s Topic: Leviticus 8-16 Focus: Spiritual Leadership Next Week’s Speakers: Rev Edmund Chan (BPJ, WDL & East)

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Daily Devo
Daily Devotional Journal
Sun, 31 December 2023

Sunday Journal

Past Week’s Review
  • What was my high point and my low point for the week?
  • What gave me life and what drained me?
  • How was the Spirit of God at work?

What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?


What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?
Commit in prayer.

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