John 15:1-11
Fri, 3 September 2021

Rebuilding from the Inside Out


How does pruning relate to the idea of rebuilding?

Deeper Reflection
A BRANCH is lifeless without the vine because branches draw life from the vine. Jesus said, “apart from Me you can do nothing” (v.5c). The person who abides in Jesus will bear fruit as a result of keeping an intimate relationship with Him and continuously drawing life from Him. The heavenly Father is the vinedresser who prunes us, removing parts of our life that do not bear fruit. The process of pruning is painful because God is eliminating harmful areas of our life that we have enjoyed, loved or even been obsessed with. Pruning cuts away that which brings decay, thereby promoting life and growth for a higher quantity and quality of fruitfulness! Such fruit-bearing is evidence that we are Christ’s disciples – this glorifies the Father. As we respond by repenting of the sins that God has revealed in our lives, He prunes us. In other words, God rebuilds us from the inside out! Through this rebuilding process, God removes things that have brought us fleeting pleasure, but have been deceptively harmful to our intimate relationship with Christ and preventing us from truly loving Him. Perhaps during this pandemic, the Lord is calling us away from worldly attractions and the noise, so that we may abide in Him. Perhaps God is allowing us to spend more time with those closest to us. As we experience tensions in our homes, the Lord surfaces our pride and shortcomings, so that He may rebuild us. Then in His good timing, the Lord will send us out into the world to shine brighter for Him as disciplemakers for His glory.

What are one or two areas of my life that the Lord is working on to rebuild me from the inside out? How have I responded and how do I want to shine brighter for Him?

Write a prayer to God as your response from your meditation on and application of the Scriptures.
Prayer Pointers:
  • Give thanks and praise:
  • Pray for SGI leaders: That they will mature in Christlike character and help others to grow spiritually
  • Pray for significant people:
  • Pray for those in need:
  • Pray for self:

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Daily Devo
Daily Devotional Journal
Sun, 31 December 2023

Sunday Journal

Past Week’s Review
  • What was my high point and my low point for the week?
  • What gave me life and what drained me?
  • How was the Spirit of God at work?

What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?


What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?
Commit in prayer.

Download this New Life Fund QR Code  and upload it to your banking app via your gallery/album. 

Download this General Fund for BPJ QR Code  and upload it to your banking app via your gallery/album. 

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