God’s surprising answer to Daniel in Daniel 9:24-27
The key question: God is faithful to His holiness and to you. How will you respond to His faithfulness?
- When we see the numbers in the “seventy weeks” prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27, focus on their significance rather than their literal value.
- We appreciate their significance through the “backstory” of Leviticus 26:12-33 – the sevenfold discipline of God!
- God disciplines because He is faithful to His holiness, and faithful to us – His discipline is redemptive and necessary!
- God disciplines because He loves us relentlessly and will do whatever it takes to bring us back to Himself.
The key application: Is God allowing us to experience His discipline today, so that we may turn back to Him? Is He calling you deeper?
Turn to Jesus, the anointed one, who fulfills the purposes of the “seventy weeks”. We can embrace God’s discipline in our lives because the punishment of God was poured out on Jesus.
Next Week’s Topic: Daniel 10 Overview
Next Week’s Speaker: Rev Matthew Lo