Matthew 1:1-17
Fri, 24 December 2021

Jesus Christ, Son of David


What significant observations can you make in verses 1 and 17 in Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus the Christ?

Deeper Reflection
MATTHEW BEGINS HIS GOSPEL with “the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah” (vv.1-17), introducing Jesus as “the son of David, and the son of Abraham” (v.1). Clearly, Matthew is pointing to Jesus as the ultimate fulfilment of the Abrahamic covenant (Gen 12:1-3; Gal 3:7-9, 14) and the Davidic covenant (2 Sam 7:12-16). By putting “David” before “Abraham” (v.1), Matthew lays emphasis on the Davidic covenant. Matthew’s conclusion of the genealogy as “fourteen generations” from Abraham to David, from David to the Babylonian exile, from the Babylonian exile to Jesus the Messiah (v.17), bears theological significance. The number “fourteen” is the numerical value of “David” in Hebrew. “David” consists of three consonants, dwd, with d = 4, w = 6; and so, dwd = 4 + 6 + 4 = 14.22 So, “fourteen” symbolically shows that the promised “Son of David” is Jesus Christ, who would be given “the throne of His father David”(Lk 1:31-33). Matthew highlights the Babylonian exile as one of the pivotal points, because from the exile until the birth of Jesus, there was never a Davidic king. A question had been asked for more than 500 years after Israel’s return from exile (Ezr 1:1-5): What happened to God’s promise to David, “Your throne shall be established forever” (2 Sam 7:16)? (See Psa 89.) Observe the way God fulfilled His promise. There could be long dark times when God’s Word seems to have failed. Do we still steadfastly trust in God that He is faithful?
22 D. A. Carson, Matthew, Matthew & Mark, Volume 9, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Revised Edition (Zondervan, 2010),94-95

What changes do I need to make in my understanding of God’s faithfulness and His Word?

Write a prayer to God as your response from your meditation on and application of the Scriptures.
Prayer Pointers:
  • Give thanks and praise:
  • Pray for SGI leaders: To hope in God’s Word patiently and steadfastly
  • Pray for significant people:
  • Pray for those in need:
  • Pray for self:

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Daily Devo
Daily Devotional Journal
Sun, 31 December 2023

Sunday Journal

Past Week’s Review
  • What was my high point and my low point for the week?
  • What gave me life and what drained me?
  • How was the Spirit of God at work?

What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?


What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?
Commit in prayer.

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