Deeper Reflection
For Daniel’s distinguishing competency and character, and
commitment to ensuring that the king suffered no loss in
his empire, Darius “planned to appoint” him “over the entire
kingdom” (v.3). But out of jealousy, Daniel’s fellow-commissioners and
the satraps attempted to accuse him of “negligence or corruption” in
“government affairs” (v.4a). They could find nothing, because Daniel
was “faithful” (v.4b). So, they planned to make accusation against him
“with regard to the law of his God” (v.5). And they maliciously instigated
Darius to establish a law that “anyone who makes a petition to any god
or man” besides the king “for thirty days, shall be cast into the lion’s
den” (vv.6-9).Then, “when Daniel knew that the document was signed…he
continued kneeling on his knees three times a day, praying and giving
thanks before his God, as he had been doing previously” (v.10). This
was Daniel’s spiritual discipline with a structure of regular “three times
a day”. He kept it daily. We can say that Daniel never missed his quiet
time. The most important words in the verse may be “when Daniel
knew that the document was signed”. They indicate the context of
Daniel’s spiritual discipline: A discipleship challenge where his life was
at stake. Daniel’s spiritual discipline was no mere religious ritual and
routine. He could have skipped his quiet time “for thirty days” and be
safe. He didn’t. Daniel’s spiritual discipline manifested his consistent
daily devotion to “his God”: “he continued…three times a day…as he
had been doing previously.” At the heart of this spiritual discipline was
Daniel’s relationship and fellowship with “his God”.